Using MSW Logo is a little tricky but it is fun. Here is one way to make a square pattern:
1. MSW Logo
Download from - just click on Setup Kit and do what you’re told!
Lesson 1
In the command window (bottom of screen) type fd 200 and press Enter.
Type rt 90 and press Enter. What happened?
Click on Reset to start again. Now make a square.
How would you make a rectangle? Bigger square? Smaller square?
Lesson 2
Click on File – Edit. A little Procedure box opens.
Type sq in the title space and click OK.
Write a program for making a square. It should look like this –
To sq
fd 200 rt 90 fd 200 rt 90 fd 200 rt 90 fd 200 rt 90
Now go to File -
Save and Exit.
Type sq and Enter. Type rt 30 and Enter. Repeat sq rt 30 until you complete the pattern.
Save as a bitmap in a safe place!
Lesson 3
Open Paint and File – Open – browse to your logo picture. Centre it in the Paint screen, then colour in and save appropriately.