Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just two old girls

Now we have only two guinea pigs left - Tashi and Flash. All the babies have gone to good homes (Heather, Stuart, Isabelle, Mitchell and Lauren are looking after their new pets very well) and Dash is still hiding out in the bushes after her prison break.

Tashi and Flash are probably enjoying the peace, and there is a lot more room in the box and in the outdoor run.

Here is a photo of nine 2M class members holding one guinea pig each.

1 comment:

Mrs O'Hearn said...

What an interesting classroom you have!
I enjoy looking at your videos and seeing what other children are doing at school.
The children at my school are setting up a blog for choir next year. I hope it looks as good as yours.
You are very lucky that Mr McLoughlin keeps giving you interesting things to do and that you can put them on your class blog.